Would you like to know my secret for a future proof career for years?
If I could show you, and know you could use it over, and over and over again to have confidence and clarity in your career, to move forward and work smarter, would that be worth your time?
I used to think happy and secure employment was like a myth, or a strange place only exceptional people had the map to. Then, I learned the secret.
There is no silver bullet to nailing a career for years that fills you with joy and fuels your passions. There is no velvet rope to be let through. There is you. And that it where it must start.
How do YOU unlock and create your career for years? I'm going to show you how right here.
Your Instructor
The mission at Career for Years is to be a platform of empowerment for job seekers, transition-ers, and gig economy-ers, enabling your career for years, regardless of employer/employee relationships, geographic locations, or personal circumstances. I want to help you develop the tools to recognize and demonstrate your unique value to an ever changing labour market. That could look like employment, self-employment, or somewhere in between.